Real Teak, First Quality Tectona Grandis.
No other wood compares to teak when it comes to durability, elegance, stability and low maintenance. It will arrive a honey blonde color and after one or two seasons outdoors it will turn soft, silver gray. And it stays like that, forever, without ever warping, twisting, rotting or splintering. Knot free, beautifully grained, smooth to the touch, pleasing to the eye and quality crafted from the inside out, your furniture will never need replacing.
Teak is a deciduous tree, which grows in dry, hilly terrains of forests in Southeast Asia. It cannot grow in rain forest. Actually, the best hardwood teak comes from Indonesia. Most of the teak furniture, which is sold around the world, not comes from natural forest – tree farms. But still, from planting, growing until be a good teak hardwood will takes at least 50 years.
Recently there have been other companies offering similar furniture made of various obscure woods, claiming these woods to be “teak-like”, “as good as teak”, “family of teak” – one even says “better than teak”. Folks, it just isn’t “better than teak”. For centuries teak has been famous as the finest wood there is for demanding outdoor use – on yachts and the decades old benches in the garden and parks around the world.
Real Teak. First quality Tectona Grandis. This is the best for outdoor furniture and will also be the best for your garden, too.
More About Teak ...................
Trade or Common Name: Teak
Local Name: Jati
Botanical Name: Tectona Grandis
Family: Verbenaceae
The Tree: Teak is not a very fast growing, and on favorable sites may reach 130 to 150 feet in height with clear boles to 80 to 90 feet. The trunks are cylindrical to fluted and may reach 3 to 5 feet in diameter.
The Wood: Teak is a beautiful golden to dark brown, sometimes reddish brown, with a straight grain, sometimes wavy. Teak is rich natural oils, is easily worked, and dresses to a very smooth finish. Because of its natural oils, teak is very durable and resistant to moisture and the drying effects of exposure to weather. Teak is unique in that it does not cause rust or corrosion when in contact with metal.
Uses: Teak is a very valuable wood and is prized throughout the world. It is sought for the decks, trim and detail work in expensive boats, and fine furniture, flooring, carving, joinery, cabinetwork, paneling, turnery and veneer.
The nature characteristic of teak is its durability in all weather conditions. Teak has an extremely dense grained hardwood that resists rot, warping, shrinking and swelling. Its high natural oil content continually preserves the wood so it can be left outdoors for decades. Because of the durability of teak in all weather conditions, in the old days, the sailor use teak as ship’s deck and benches. The decking on these ships was in such good condition when the ships were about to be scrapped; the wood was recycled and remade into outdoor furniture. The still use it for the deck and bench ever since. Now, not only being use by the needs of ship but also recliner on the beach, near the pool, benches at public parks, dining table at snow resources and other public areas are furnished with teak, some of which are nearly a century old.
Beside the durability nature, teak furniture is very smooth and does not splinter. The color of teak also stay very neutral in all weather condition whether its exposed to the sun or cold winter days around the years. Its also has good smell and pleasant aromatic for years and years.
Teak is a deciduous tree, which grows in dry, hilly terrains of forests in Southeast Asia. It cannot grow in rain forest. Actually, the best hardwood teak comes from Indonesia. Most of the teak furniture, which is sold around the world, not comes from natural forest – tree farms. But still, from planting, growing until be a good teak hardwood will takes at least 50 years.
When untreated teak furniture is used indoors (as it is in restaurants, office lobbies, shopping centers, etc.), the wood grain evens in tone, becoming and staying a very rich golden brown color.

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